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Author: Angela Davison

I recently came across this excellent newsletter from Victoria Ferguson, and asked to share it here as you should all have a read as it contains such important information for you. Victoria has been researching herbal worming programs for many years so it’s exciting that the resulting information is now available to all horse owners.  Thankyou to Victoria for giving me permission to share her information here as a guest blog post. - Angela.   Kim Dawson is an expert on equine worms.   We are now offering worming programs with faecal counts and advice on treatment.  In this newsletter.TEST BEFORE YOU TREAT –

The Horse Herbalist uses human grade ingredients for all our blends and treatments, which means you can take them too! They may taste foul to our human tongues, but by golly they work! Bug Buster - use as soon as you suspect ANY infection or dose for a couple of days if you have been in contact with infectious people. - boosts immune system, fights infection of any sort. Cough it Up - cold and flu. - use as soon as you suspect cold or flu or have been around people with same, dose for a couple of days. If you already have symptoms then dose as directed on

April Leggett asked Angela to do a Hair Testing consult on her competition horses recently, and has been very pleased with the results.  Here's what April has to say: "Hi Angela, I just wanted to personally thank you and your team for their help with TANZA over the past couple of years. I am pretty certain I have my old horse back and I could not be happier. I have just returned from a Nationals Training weekend and she went awesome. On her toes, electric and wanting to run for the first time in years.. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I even got my Chiropractor

My heart goes out to all those who continue to be affected by fire and smoke across the country right now. We all know smoke can be toxic and affect the lungs and respiratory tract. Smoke affects every living being, it can do damage before you realise it. Horses should not be worked in smokey conditions, if they must work then keep it to low exertion over minimal time. If they’re worked hard then they may do irreparable damage to the lungs. I see many horses with breathing problems when we have little air pollution so please keep this in mind. Quite a number of

So much of Australia is or has been on fire. Thank goodness for all our fabulous dedicated enduring firies. Lungs and airways are being assaulted as we breathe the smoke laden air, particularly as the fires burn for extended periods of time in many areas. Here are my quick tips on which herbs that can help you and your horse’s respiratory systems. Aniseed – Pimpinella anisum. Aniseed relieves spasmodic cough, will help clear the lungs. Echinacea – angustifolia or purpurea. Echinacea boosts the immune system and is indicated in all airways dis-eases like cough, cold, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. Fennel – Foeniculum vulgare. Another useful herb which helps

Here's a story from our client Veronica Luxford, about her horse Bucky. "4 years ago I started immunizing my open winning barrel horse Tyrone Howdy Cowdy aka “Bucky” for Hendra. Over the next 12 months he gradually stopped winning and developed a dry, intermittent cough. The cough progressed to a wheeze and within 3 years – I had a horse who I couldn’t even ride down the road. I had tried repeated veterinary interventions which initially helped but he became resistant within 2 treatments. I tried salt therapy, multiple cough mixtures, oils, massage, chiropractics etc etc. Last year he almost died from a respiratory/asthmatic

Frankie was the kind of horse you come across fairly regularly.  Nappy, cranky, lackluster and unwilling to go forward. When Karen contacted me she had owned Frankie, a 9 year old Quarterhorse gelding, for 2 years.  She bought him from a woman who had owned him for 3 years, who in turn had bought him from a stock station for her daughter to ride. The daughter quickly lost interest so Frankie had been turned out onto large scrubby, drought affected land with some cattle. Karen was interested in Frankie as he was quite well bred and she wanted to campdraft him. Karen told me that

Bug Buster is a fabulous mix - it tastes foul but by golly it works!  It was initially formulated when Angela's partner had been diagnosed with probable septicaemia (blood poisoning). His temperature was through the roof, pulse weak and thready, he felt like he was dying. The local rural hospital had no available beds and told Angela to bring him back the next day. Angela had only been in practice treating humans for two years. All the medical and herbal books literature said don’t mess about with septicaemia, get to a hospital, but they had just been sent home!  She was at her

Shannan Goodwin has had a fabulous 2018 with her wonderful horse, Aristede - also known as Astro. Shortlisted for the WEG Australian Dressage Team, this wonderful partnership have had wins at Grand Prix. Angela Davison (your very own Horse Herbalist) has been working with this lovely pair for some years now. Find out more about how Angela has helped them in this little video. You can read more about the products mentioned here. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2X0-sIy2P4[/embedyt]

Long term client Joan reached out to Angela Davison and The Horse Herbalist as she was concerned about the escalating problems her daughter Amelia was having with her young horse, George. He had been started 12 months prior and had been brought along slowly and quietly. All was well until they went to their first small training day. He started the day a little nervous (understandably) but settled quite well as she rode him all round the showground and in between the rings in the company of a friend. She tied him to the float, which he’d experienced several times at home, with