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PO Box 161, Ballina NSW 2478



Tue – Sun 7 AM-10 PM


So many locations all over Australia are experiencing ‘different’ weather patterns. Temperatures swing wildly from summerlike one day to chilly winter the next. Horse owners can find their rugged horse has either been sweating all day or the temperature dropped 15 degrees and their unrugged horse was cold. Ideal conditions for coughs, colds and chills. Horse owners can find their rugged horse has either been sweating all day or the temperature dropped 15 degrees and their unrugged horse was cold. Ideal conditions for coughs, colds and chills. If a horse has a runny nose and eyes may be a little wet, they could be

Aloe is one of the most powerful topical anti-inflammatories in the plant world. Not only does it reduce inflammation quickly it is also a pain inhibitor - you or your horse will feel its soothing effects within 5-10 minutes of application. USES Traditionally Aloe resin has been used extensively as a laxative for people, there’s also references to Bitter Aloes in old veterinary texts for its use in treating colic. The resin containing antraquinones (giving the laxative effect) is found directly under the skin, between the skin and internal mucilaginous gel. The resin should not be confused with the gel. It is the gel that

Wheat intolerance is well documented in humans, but what about horses? And why might a natural product like wheatcause a problem? Most readers will know someone who is ‘coeliac’ or wheat intolerant. Many may even have noticed increased gluten or wheat sensitivity in themselves -fuzzy brain, lethargy, bloating, skin problems etc. and wonder why such a staple food from the human and animal diet is now causing such problems. The answer may be in the breeds of wheat grown today. Until the mid 1950’s the wheat grain that was grown had remained the same since biblical times. The original Emmer and Einkorn wheat varieties (triticum

Excitement is building as horse lovers and dressage enthusiasts from all over the country prepare for the biggest event on the Queensland calendar – The Queensland State Dressage Championships.  We are proud to announce that The Horse Herbalist is now sponsoring one of the brightest young stars in the field who will making their State level debut appearance at this show-stopping event. “A Heaven Sent” ridden and trained by Sally Evans is a stunning chestnut mare with brilliant elevation and I personally cannot wait to see them both in action. We'll post some photos after the event I’ll be eagerly cheering her on in

I have just come back from spending the weekend at Coffs Harbour where we went to finally meet our client Roger (aka Ginga Dude) in the flesh. He didn't let me down - his energy and presence were phenomenal, just like I knew it would be. Fabulous to meet him after knowing him via his hair tests over the last four years. Roger, and my long time brilliant horse chiropractor/trainer mate Graeme Boyd, are  here from NZ to have another good crack at some of the big ones over the Melbourne Cup Carnival. It's the great " one man and his horse story!" against the

To all our valued clients, their friends, family and of course their horses and animals…. Our hearts go out to you at this devastating time. We hope both yourself and your family have made it through safely. For those of you that may have lost your horses or animals, houses or property, we are truly sorry for your loss. As we sit and watch the devastation on television we can hardly comprehend what you have just experienced. In times like these SHOCK REMEDY is highly advisable, dose every fifteen minutes or as required.  This is a wonderful remedy that will help you cope with all the shock

Does your horse Tie - up, as in Equine Polysaccharide Myopathy, EPSM. FYI With each and every horse we have hair tested and treated over the last twenty odd years, who have presented with tying up problems, the one common factor they have all shared is their intolerance to wheat. That's right folks, not oats, not corn but wheat. OR Does your horse have: Behavioural problems, poor performance, failure to thrive, nervousness, grumpy, cranky or mad

Hey Lady, can't you hear me? I'm uncomfortable today, My Willy's awful itchy And the flies won't go away. Please fetch that herbal Willy Wash, I promise I won't kick It feels so good and pink and clean It really does the trick. CD