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Health Tips For Horses

Omeprazole is used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers.  Omeprazole brands include: Ulcerguard, Omeguard, Gastroguard, Gastropell, Equesta Equine Granules and more. ALWAYS check the ingredients list of any supplements you are buying for your horse. Gastric ulcers (EGUS) in the nonglandular squamous mucosa and glandular mucosa are common in horses involved in competition. Risk factors include intense exercise and dietary factors, such as high concentrate diets and periods of food restriction. Gastric ulcers should be suspected if the horse shows one or more of the following signs: Unwillingness to perform as usual, including resistance to riding aids. Picky appetite. Transient colic signs directly after feeding,

I recently came across this excellent newsletter from Victoria Ferguson, and asked to share it here as you should all have a read as it contains such important information for you. Victoria has been researching herbal worming programs for many years so it’s exciting that the resulting information is now available to all horse owners.  Thankyou to Victoria for giving me permission to share her information here as a guest blog post. - Angela.   Kim Dawson is an expert on equine worms.   We are now offering worming programs with faecal counts and advice on treatment.  In this newsletter.TEST BEFORE YOU TREAT –

It’s got to be every gelding owner’s worst job- the dreaded sheath clean! 😨 It’s also probably not your gelding’s favourite thing either. But sometimes nature needs a little bit of a hand to keep everything clean, hygienic, and comfortable for your horse. You certainly should never put chemicals like baby oil (which is petroleum based) in such a delicate area. Baby oil will only attract more dirt, and can actually irritate rather than clean and soothe the area. The unique formulation of Willy Wash© is all natural, herbal based and is every gelding owner’s saviour! No more rubbing and scrubbing, no more battling away under