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Kind Eye of older Bay Horse


What information will I get if you assess my horses hair?

Hair Testing, Hair Analysis or Hair Assessment are such blanket terms, and cover a wide range of services. This causes much confusion for horse owners and trainers.  Our service is very different from chemical hair testing or mass spectrometry.  

You will discover which organs or body systems are dysfunctional/ out of balance and how long they have been like that, sometimes giving the cause of the insufficiency.

Your horse’s joints will be rated this often uncovers potential problems before they become evident.

Everything your horse eats and more will be rated – this lets you or your nutritionist know which feeds and supplements suit this particular horse.

Energy ratings indicate physical fitness or illness, emotional state, their connection with their owner, rider and how they rate their work/discipline.

You will get a proposed treatment plan plus an expected time frame for progress.

What sort of things can you treat after doing a hair test?

Pretty much everything!

My horse had a hair test from somewhere else a while ago, why do I need to have another?

You say you are having some problems with your horse, unless it’s something simple and your horse isn’t sick, then its best practice to use Angela’s assessment service to get to the core of the imbalances/dis-ease, rather than guessing and giving a symptomatic band-aid treatment. Unfortunately there is much confusion about hair assessment and hair testing. If your horse had a hair test elsewhere then it will have been a totally different type of service. Those terms cover so many different types of testing. Your horse may have had a mineral analysis which can give you extremely useful data but it’s quite unlike the information gained from  Angela’s unique system.

See the hair testing page for more information.

Do herbs work?

Well, our mixes and ointments certainly do! It’s a good question as there are so many companies selling low grade, mass produced, herbs which gullible animal owners are feeding willy-nilly. A qualified herbalist is aware of contraindications and possible drug interactions and only uses medical grade herbs.

How do I feed mixes to my horse?

Ideally syringe over the tongue. 99% of horses look for their mixes after the first couple of days. If you can’t syringe over tongue then add prescribed amount to the top of feed twice a day.

Why do the mixes taste so bad?

They only taste bad to some humans, dogs do ok if their mix is in food, cats don’t want to know!

It’s really interesting that since human food has become so impregnated with sugar we have all developed a sweet tooth. Many of us fail to understand the Japanese principle of gomi or the five tastes of food, which we used to understand in the west. The so called ‘bitter principle’ is essential for our good health. Bitter and strong flavoured herbs, fruit and vegetables, assist with our digestion, activating the spleen and liver and gall. Herbal extracts are from different parts of the plant but few plants or herbs are naturally sweet. So, whilst you may find our mixes smelling and tasting strong, your horse will be looking for their tasty mix after a couple of days.

Can humans use Horse Herbalist products?

All Horse Herbalist products are manufactured for horses. But they are equally suitable for other animals and humans – see dosage directions on packaging.
Buckle up, buttercup. As we say ‘Don’t sniff it, or overthink it, just DRINK IT!’

Where do your herbs come from?

We purchase Pharmaceutical Grade Herbs (organic where possible) from Australia’s leading suppliers of natural medicine (only accredited Practitioners can buy these Medical Grade herbs).  We buy the best so we know exactly what’s in our medicines, the potency assured for our proprietary blends.

Our reputation depends on making products that penetrate deeply and effect lasting change.

Should I feed dried herbs to my horse?

The horse owner’s responsibility with using herbs is to be knowledgeable about what they are buying and from where it is sourced. There are no quality control, testing or species identification regulations in place for the commercial dry herb market sold for animal consumption – so dry herbs need to always be sourced from a reputable retail outlet. The dry herbs are really useful as nutritional therapeutics but if a horse is sick owners should seek a practitioner whose qualifications give them access to practitioner-only products.

Can I still give my horse dry herbs whilst on your treatment plan?

No, unless otherwise discussed with Angela at the time of your consultation.

Improving Mare Fertility before Artificial Insemination

Back in 2006 I tried to get my maiden mare in foal to a Stallion using frozen semen. Yes I know the odds were against me. It ended up being a disaster and to cut a long story short my mare did not get in foal and all I had to show for the 2006-2007 season was a hefty vet bill and a horse that got a nasty infection in her uterus. So come 2007-2008 I decided to take another approach. I obtained the assistance of Angela Davison to help in the fertility of my mare. I knew the semen motility was as good as you could hope for so I needed to focus on my mare. I obtained a hair test result from Angela outlining where her downfalls/imbalances were and we started to administer a tonic day and night. The 2nd assessment was so different and all her imbalances had been corrected. Next step was off to the vets. I had decided to go to another vet, which was located in VIC. We also had some of your product “Settle Petal” to give my mare, as it was a 7 hour trip to VIC. She is not a great floater so this helped her a lot. To cut a long story short my mare went in foal with the vet using an endoscopic procedure and only using 1 mini straw to conceive (there were 8 mini straws in one dose). Needless to say I was ecstatic !!!!. Even better was that I still have straws left to use another time. I now have a beautiful yearling that I adore. Angela I cannot thank you enough!!!! I would recommend to anyone who has doubt as to the health/imbalance of his or her equine friend to contact Angela. She has been a God send.

Natalie Watt Oakdale, NSW
Stock horse foal

Grand Prix Horse A'seduction

I was very fortunate to have The Horse Herbalist sponsor and treat the beautiful A’seduction (stable name Basil) my Grand Prix stallion, for 13 years. I owned him from when he was 10 months old, and trained and competed him right through to Grand Prix level in Dressage. He was in State Squads and the National Squad, and was State Champion so many times. He became the Qld Grand Prix Champion and won over 40 Regional Dressage Championships. He is still competing at the highest level at the age of 17, which is testament to Angela Davison and her ongoing preventative treatment regime for Basil. A few months ago I found an amazing new owner for Basil, who loves him as much as we do. As with all pre sales of an expensive horse, Basil had to go through a long and thorough vet check, with multiple digital x-rays of all of his joints. At 17, after so many competitions and so much road travelling in the float and years of training, you have to think, that there would be something that they will find. The vet was astounded, he came through practically clean , no arthritis, no real joint damage or degeneration. Testament to the wonderful Angela Davison, the incredible Horse Herbalist who looked after him for all his competition years. The bodywork was vital to his performances and overall health. Angela did at least two hair tests a year to check on the state of his organs, joints and emotional health and made him herbal mixtures to address any inconsistencies. He is the very picture of health – all credit to The Horse Herbalist. Thank you!

Sally Evans Dressage FEI, Coach, Judge
Sally Evans and Sam

Criticial Care

About 4 years ago, we had friends here looking and talking horses and somehow Angela’s name came up along with her remedies and treatments. It wasn’t long after that, that some of our mares got sick and were dying and no amount of blood tests or autopsies from vets could find the cause of the problem. I sent samples to Angela and some mares responded and lived and I think others were too far gone and still passed away. Even though Angela was prescribing treatments for the mares, I will always remember the strength and support she was to me as a person who she didn’t even know apart from over the phone….her attention to detail & care for not only the horses but also to me (who physically and emotionally was battling) was second to none. Before Angela’s treatment, I was administering 6 to 9 needles a day to 5 mares, both IM & IV and that continued for 3 months. I had a very caring vet and Angela was very happy to work in with him. I have continued to use Angela over the years for help with horses from bettering a stallions semen to soreness in horses but I will always remember and be grateful for her personal touch, dedication and care to her business and clients. Thankyou Angela.

Jaye Hall Queensland, 2016
Kind Eye of older Bay Horse

Nick and Tuk, 2013 Supreme Working Stockhorse at the ASH Youth Nationals and 2014 Junior Winner Man from Snowy River Challenge, Corryong

We’d like to thank you for all your help with many of our horses over the years. Any new horse that arrives on our property has a hair sample taken and sent through to you within a fortnight. Nick would particularly like to thank you for your treatments for Tuk. He is a fabulous horse and over the last 12 months they have had many fantastic results including 2013 Supreme Working Stockhorse at the ASH Youth Nationals and 2014 Junior Winner Man from Snowy River Challenge, Corryong as well as many Campdraft wins and places. Thank you!

Julie Roe Australian Stockhorse Breeder and Trainer
Andy Fay on Sophie