20 years of treating my horses with great success!
I have known Angela for nearly 20 x years, in that time I have used her services to treat many of my own horses + recommended her treatments to many others – usually with great success! I’ve never met anyone else quite like Angela – her unbridled passion for horses along with her seemingly endless knowledge of natural remedies seems to have no limits. Angela is the type of person who has experienced all aspects of the various horse industries & then been able to forge her own successes using techniques and remedies sourced locally & world wide Over the years Angela has assisted me to treat many horses, some, like my oldest & dearest Palomino Quarter Horse “Whiskey” who with regular treatments from Angela is now 31 years young & still going strong! To others, such as our rising Cutting Futurity horse “Machismo” who whilst young & full of energy still required Angela’s assistance & knowledge to reach his full potential, with her help we managed to assist his transition into a beautiful & healthy performance horse, who is currently excelling in the cutting Arena. In another example Angela & I worked alongside a professional horse handler(of the more traditional style) to bring about change & health to a very poorly performing warm-blood mare who was placed in our care here at Kahlua Farms by the owner who was at her wits ends with the horse. This mare was not only un-healthy in body & form but also shockingly hard to handle both in the paddock and in the yards. With patience + an enormous input from Angela regarding diet, herbs & handling techniques, we were able to completely transform this horse into something exceptional to hand back to her owner. The horseman who assisted was both incredibly thankful & relieved by Angela input. Angela has not only become my trusted friend over the years, but she is also my support partner with my horses, her products & remedies are always at hand in our stables. Products such as Bug Buster, AV Formula etc are most often my “go to” when I first sense a horse (or human!) may be lacking or coming down with something – quite often we find that with proper treatments with Angela’s products, along with controlled diets, we can bring about immediate change to our horses. I would recommend Angela & her products to anyone who wishes to seek out alternatives to traditional methods or someone who just wishes to give their horses that extra boost to a full & healthy diet.
Annie Butler
Kahlua Holdings Quarter Horse Stud

Team Penning Quarter Horse
My boy Rocketman a quarter horse gelding began hair samples in 2017 with Angela and without her would not be now rideable let alone competitive. We live in the Northern Rivers of NSW which is notorious for high sugar/water content grass and largely all bighead varieties and Rocket's first hair sample showed serious signs of joint deterioration through his larger joints. At this point I had tried commercial calcium products that gave no signs of improvement and he was showing signs of intermittent lameness in the back end. Rocket is a very sensitive horse that also shows liver issues and drinks little water. He experienced great highs from his first few blends then a low when they finished. From some in depth discussion Angela created a maintenance blend for him that is fantastic and able to be changed as he goes. Hair sampling for Rocket twice a year is incredibly cost effective as other feed costs are minimised. The volume of feed he requires is very minimal for a solid horse with only the supplements that work for him in play that Angela rates for usefulness for him directly. Rocket is 14 going on 15 now and a cracker boy that tries incredibly hard for me and is a lovely quiet horse to live with and he loves the (very tiny) feeds he gets just for his herbal blend. From that initial joint evaluation back in 2017 he is maintaining fitness, competitiveness as a cowhorse, drinks more water and shows continuing improvement in his joints and internal organs'
Kate Robinson
Team Penning

Mare Hormone Balance
Just wanted to provide you with some feedback in relation to my little arab mare, who has just completed her 14 week hormone treatment. When I first spoke to you about her I was having significant issues with her behaviour. She was hypersensitive to touch (anywhere) and would squeal & stomp her feet when touched. Her 'marey' behaviour was on the point of ridiculous with her literally losing the plot whenever new male horses were anywhere near her! The squirting, blinking and squealing was nearly manic - and it was constant! It was making this little mare unusable for nearly everything and I was toying with the idea of getting rid of her. Firstly I must say that she enjoyed your herbal mix, alot. She would come at a gallop in the mornings, tearing across her 20 acre paddock for her syringe of herbs!! And after she had swallowed it down...she would gallop back off to her herd! We did notice within the first 3-4 weeks of the treatment that she seemed to lose that hypersensitivity that she had been experiencing. Now we could touch her & rub her all over and there was no squealing, no stomping. She seemed more relaxed and settled, happier to be in our company. In early March, just as her herb treatment was concluding - I decided to throw her in the deep end and go riding with some friends for a couple of days. In our group of six was my little mare and 5 geldings.... In previous similar situations she would lose the plot in a big way. She would constantly pee, squirt, blink, squeal, fidget, prance, dance and carry on like an absolute fool. There would be no reasoning with her, no calming her down......just go home! Or ride only ever on your own or with mares - no geldings!! But on this occasion she was a very different little girl! While she occasionally nickered a quiet greeting at the boys - there was no peeing, no squirting, no squealing...no interest really. In fact if the boys got too close to her she would tell them off with her ears pinned back, a tail flick and a warning stomp with a back foot. This is a huge turn around and definitely something I can manage and work with. The old behaviour was not workable at all... So it seems all very positive here and I would like to thank you for your assistance and your expertise! I can now continue to build a great and strong partnership with this lovely little mare - who I am very sure is also much happier!! Thank You.
Vikki C.

I have my Horse back!
4 years ago I started immunizing my open winning barrel horse Tyrone Howdy Cowdy aka “Bucky” for Hendra. Over the next 12 months he gradually stopped winning and developed a dry, intermittent cough. The cough progressed to a wheeze and within 3 years – I had a horse who I couldn’t even ride down the road. I had tried repeated veterinary interventions which initially helped but he became resistant within 2 treatments. I tried salt therapy, multiple cough mixtures, oils, massage, chiropractics etc etc. Last year he almost died from a respiratory/asthmatic event and I resolved we were done. Then I found Angela. I called and we discussed the history. Angela was upfront from the start and said given it started with the vaccination – there was no guarantee her treatments could be successful. However, she said we could give it a whirl and reassess as we go but I would need to commit to 15 weeks. We had nothing to lose so I agreed and sent a hair sample. The result from the first sample confirmed what I had been seeing and helped me adjust his feed to suit his healing. 15 weeks later – I had a horse who had not coughed or wheezed for 3 mths; my fingers and toes were firmly crossed! I started to ride him; and Angela completed his final hair test; she sent me an emergency kit just in case but his was now on his own. 18 weeks since his first treatment and he was big, strong, sound and very happy. He was able to gallop for 30 seconds, run stop and turn around. 6 months after his first hair test I put him back on drums. The challenge was always going to be the travelling and hot dry dust during spring/summer competition. We spent 2 weeks away in the dust in northern NSW this month. After a week, he coughed during work – I treated him as planned and the cough was controllable. We headed south and entered “Barrels for Bianca” where he finished in the 1st division against over 50 horses. To put it into context; in the 2 week period we holidayed before his race he travelled over 30 hours in the trailer and lived in dry dirt yards in 30 + degree heat. It has been 4 years since he has been able to do that. I finally have my horse back. Thank you Angela.
Veronica L. Barrels

Thank you for keeping Kohl at the top of her game
I would just like to thank you heaps for all the effort you have put into helping me keep “Kohl” at the top level so I could compete and head down the road each and every weekend to competitions. Kohl was named ABCRA Australian Breakaway Roping Horse of the year 2008 And he helped me achieve my goals for the year and without him I wouldn’t be named:- ABCRA Australian Breakaway Roping Champion 2008 ABCRA Australian All Round Cowgirl Champion 2008 Runner Up ABCRA Steer Undecorating Champion All the hard work put in over the past 12 months has paid off, and it was all worth while. Kohl has now taken me to win 3 back to back Australian Steer Undecorating titles (05,06,07) and a Runner Up Title 08. Also a Breakaway Roping Title and an All Round Title and he has also won an Australian Steer Undecorating 07 & Breakaway Roping Horse 08 award of the year. He is the best horse. Thank you Angela!
Nichole Fitzpatrick
25 times Australian Champion, Equine Coach, Clinician, Mentor, Trainer

Recovery from Lyme Disease
Years ago when I moved to the Northern Rivers after a few years in VIC, I was dismayed at the health problems my horses suffered. Coming from a medical background, my first port of call was the vet. My vet was so understanding and took me seriously. Over a number of years we tested for just about everything medical science could test for. Everything came back negative except a positive for Lyme disease. At the time we dismissed this as a false positive but it did get me thinking outside the square. This was when in I began researching herbal treatments for things like mould and its co-infections. I went back to Angela, The Horse Herbalist, who continues to research viruses and bacterial infections. She created a four-part programme. We picked one of my 5 horses to treat experimentally. After a couple of years I was so happy with the overall health of this one horse who had received formulations from Angela. In comparison the other horses still displayed many health problems. Now, all my horses are on the DAV-4 formula and I feel they are all healthier. I highly recommend anyone who is dismayed and feels that their horses are just not quite right, to try this for at least 6 months to see if it improves overall health and performance. Of course I still work closely with my vet if needed but touch wood, that is not so much now.

Improving Mare Fertility before Artificial Insemination
Back in 2006 I tried to get my maiden mare in foal to a Stallion using frozen semen. Yes I know the odds were against me. It ended up being a disaster and to cut a long story short my mare did not get in foal and all I had to show for the 2006-2007 season was a hefty vet bill and a horse that got a nasty infection in her uterus. So come 2007-2008 I decided to take another approach. I obtained the assistance of Angela Davison to help in the fertility of my mare. I knew the semen motility was as good as you could hope for so I needed to focus on my mare. I obtained a hair test result from Angela outlining where her downfalls/imbalances were and we started to administer a tonic day and night. The 2nd assessment was so different and all her imbalances had been corrected. Next step was off to the vets. I had decided to go to another vet, which was located in VIC. We also had some of your product “Settle Petal” to give my mare, as it was a 7 hour trip to VIC. She is not a great floater so this helped her a lot. To cut a long story short my mare went in foal with the vet using an endoscopic procedure and only using 1 mini straw to conceive (there were 8 mini straws in one dose). Needless to say I was ecstatic !!!!. Even better was that I still have straws left to use another time. I now have a beautiful yearling that I adore. Angela I cannot thank you enough!!!! I would recommend to anyone who has doubt as to the health/imbalance of his or her equine friend to contact Angela. She has been a God send.
Natalie Watt
Oakdale, NSW

Grand Prix Horse A'seduction
I was very fortunate to have The Horse Herbalist sponsor and treat the beautiful A’seduction (stable name Basil) my Grand Prix stallion, for 13 years. I owned him from when he was 10 months old, and trained and competed him right through to Grand Prix level in Dressage. He was in State Squads and the National Squad, and was State Champion so many times. He became the Qld Grand Prix Champion and won over 40 Regional Dressage Championships. He is still competing at the highest level at the age of 17, which is testament to Angela Davison and her ongoing preventative treatment regime for Basil. A few months ago I found an amazing new owner for Basil, who loves him as much as we do. As with all pre sales of an expensive horse, Basil had to go through a long and thorough vet check, with multiple digital x-rays of all of his joints. At 17, after so many competitions and so much road travelling in the float and years of training, you have to think, that there would be something that they will find. The vet was astounded, he came through practically clean , no arthritis, no real joint damage or degeneration. Testament to the wonderful Angela Davison, the incredible Horse Herbalist who looked after him for all his competition years. The bodywork was vital to his performances and overall health. Angela did at least two hair tests a year to check on the state of his organs, joints and emotional health and made him herbal mixtures to address any inconsistencies. He is the very picture of health – all credit to The Horse Herbalist. Thank you!
Sally Evans
Dressage FEI, Coach, Judge

Criticial Care
About 4 years ago, we had friends here looking and talking horses and somehow Angela’s name came up along with her remedies and treatments. It wasn’t long after that, that some of our mares got sick and were dying and no amount of blood tests or autopsies from vets could find the cause of the problem. I sent samples to Angela and some mares responded and lived and I think others were too far gone and still passed away. Even though Angela was prescribing treatments for the mares, I will always remember the strength and support she was to me as a person who she didn’t even know apart from over the phone….her attention to detail & care for not only the horses but also to me (who physically and emotionally was battling) was second to none. Before Angela’s treatment, I was administering 6 to 9 needles a day to 5 mares, both IM & IV and that continued for 3 months. I had a very caring vet and Angela was very happy to work in with him. I have continued to use Angela over the years for help with horses from bettering a stallions semen to soreness in horses but I will always remember and be grateful for her personal touch, dedication and care to her business and clients. Thankyou Angela.
Jaye Hall
Queensland, 2016

Willy Wash makes Sheath Cleaning easy!
I have a gelding that is fairly combative at sheath cleaning time. He has just always had issues with being touched in that area (his dam also did not like to have her udders cleaned so I am not surprised). Willy Wash has taken all the drama out of this process. I don’t have to have him sedated and we are done in 10 seconds.
Carra McClellan

To The Bone
For many years I’ve had a rotator cuff problem which has given me lots of pain until I discovered “To the Bone”. After being very sceptical at first, I have now been using it on and off for 2 years and I have great results! My shoulder usage has improved enormously and I would not have the range of movement I now enjoy – it’s all thanks to this herbal product! I recommend it to anyone suffering chronic joint pain. Thank you so much Angela!
Dave Curtis

Nick and Tuk, 2013 Supreme Working Stockhorse at the ASH Youth Nationals and 2014 Junior Winner Man from Snowy River Challenge, Corryong
We’d like to thank you for all your help with many of our horses over the years. Any new horse that arrives on our property has a hair sample taken and sent through to you within a fortnight. Nick would particularly like to thank you for your treatments for Tuk. He is a fabulous horse and over the last 12 months they have had many fantastic results including 2013 Supreme Working Stockhorse at the ASH Youth Nationals and 2014 Junior Winner Man from Snowy River Challenge, Corryong as well as many Campdraft wins and places. Thank you!
Julie Roe
Australian Stockhorse Breeder and Trainer

Stage Fright transformed my horse
Grace has been so much happier already, her coat is shinier, her eye is brighter . . . we had a competition one week into the treatment and her first try on the Stage Fright. The difference I had in my horse was amazing. I had a 13% improvement in one of my dressage scores from the previous week and we won all our classes that day. It was so nice to have a horse so much closer to the one I have at home. I cannot thank you enough!
Carly Dwyer

Hair Testing & Herbs are routine for our Stables
Before Angela started working on my horses, I’d try about twenty to get two useful ones. In the last four years, every horse that comes in gets hair tested and then appropriate herbal treatment and some bodywork and away we go. I haven’t had a reject in four years, so we’re all happy. Angela’s work makes a huge difference.
Annie Creighton

Willy Wash makes life easier!
I have a gelding that is fairly combative at sheath cleaning time. He has just always had issues with being touched in that area (his dam also did not like to have her udders cleaned so I am not surprised). Willy Wash has taken all the drama out of this process. I don’t have to have him sedated and we are done in 10 seconds.
Carra McClellan

Amazing Results with Racehorses
Angela Davison has tested and treated a number of horses from my stable over the last seven years with amazing results. I have been delighted with the improvement – both mentally & physically, of some of my problem horses, and would highly recommend Angela’s methods of treatment.
C. Cameron
Racehorse Trainer

Simply the Best!
In 2005 I contacted A.D after "Kohl" was diagnosed with a serious respiratory Infection. 17 years later, I still believe it was the best decision I'd ever made. The difference A.D made with Kohl was unbelievable. I highly recommend A.D testing and treatments to anyone. As our results over the years on many horse's has spoken for themselves. Thank you A.D for your amazing service over all these years especially with Kohl! Kohl was retired from competition at the age of 23 still sound and healthy.
Nichole Fitzpatrick
Equine coach, Mentor, Clinician, Trainer, 25x Australian Champion.

Every new Horse gets a Hair Testing & Herbal Treatment Programme
I have been using and recommending Angela’s hair testing services to friends and clients for over 20 years and the first thing I do when a new horse arrives here is get its hair tested. The results give me a clear understanding of what I can and can’t feed each horse and how their joints and body systems are functioning. The herbal and homeopathic treatments for each have been extremely successful. This form of investigation and treatment is part of the holistic care that I believe every horse needs. Angela has assisted me with my own health issues as well with great results.
Gill Shepherd
Holistic Saddlefitter, Educator.

Filly Foal with recurring Colic
My 2 month old filly was getting weekly bouts of colic and the vets couldn’t figure out why. They wanted to operate on her to “have a look”. Instead, I brought her home and sent a hair sample to Angela and under her awesome guidance and treatment plan, the filly was right as rain in no time flat. 12 months later, the filly is looking sensational and has had no further problems. Love your work Angela.
Ade Bowden
Yagoneya ASH stud owner and creator of Mega Horse

Managing Cushings
Cushing’s Syndrome was diagnosed with my 13 year old dog Betty, in early 2018. Although I have total faith in my diagnosing vets, I was reluctant to have Betty on life-long drugs with significant side effects, combined with regular invasive blood testings to monitor her condition. I chose instead to have Angela offer a herbal alternative. We commenced this is February 2018. It is now end August 2018 and Betty is, with regular exercise, controlled diet and Angela’s herbal supplement, a much better old dog. This has been evidenced by a decrease in Betty’s previous excessive thirst and urination, pot-bellied abdomen and anxiety – all of which are symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome. I would like to thank, and acknowledge Angela for her herbal support, and Julie, who has assisted with Betty’s treatment.
Kay Johnson, 2018
What They're Saying
In 2005 I contacted A.D after "Kohl" was diagnosed with a serious respiratory Infection. 17 years later, I still believe it was the best decision I'd ever made. The difference A.D made with Kohl was unbelievable. I highly recommend A.D testing and treatments to anyone. As our results over the years on many horse's has spoken for themselves. Thank you A.D for your amazing service over all these years especially with Kohl! Kohl was retired from competition at the age of 23 still sound and healthy.
Nichole Fitzpatrick.
Equine coach, Mentor, Clinician, Trainer, 25x Australian Champion.

Just wonderful natural Homeopathics
A couple of weeks ago Babette, my 12 year old goat, was head butted and slammed into the ground by my bigger goat and could not stand. It looked liked it was the end for her as she wasn’t trying to get up at all. But was still eating. Angela suggested to use a few of her magic herbs and homeopathics to try firstly, which helped a lot. She then did a quick hair assessment on her and made a miracle potion for my sweet goat. We also massaged her legs and encouraged her to move. After a few days on her potion she was shuffling around and much brighter. After a week she was getting around on her knees, then hobbling on wonky legs. NOW after 2 weeks she is walking on her own. Bright and cheeky back to her old self. Eating huge amounts, cause she can. Loving the herbal mixture too. To see her progress over such a short time was absolutely amazing. No harsh drugs involved. Just wonderful natural Homeopathics abd Herbs from mother nature. And of course Angela’s amazing brain and knowledge was invaluable to Babette’s recovery. I feel so blessed and humbled by Angela Davison whom I owe so much to over the years of her caring for my animal family.
Julie Curtis
Horse Herbalist Assistant, Wildlife Rescuer and Carer