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Wild Horse


Settle Petal © Herbal Concentrate


‘It will be 3 weeks tomorrow that my mare Cartier has been on the herbal mixture Settle Petal, I cannot believe the difference in her. I described her symptoms to Angela about a month ago, Cartier was very very fussy with food, suicidal in the paddock and was “upset” very easily. Angela prescribed her a 3 week treatment of Settle Petal, just 5ml twice a day over the tongue and the difference is huge. She now eats! She looks for food, she licks her bowl clean, she would rather stay at her feed bin than gallop around, she sleeps in the paddock and has stopped “looking” for something to be scared of.

I honestly can’t believe it. Thank you!’

Kirsty-Lee Brilliant


When you, or your horse, are overexcited, nervous, spooky, restless, scared, stressed or overwrought – for whatever reason (or even no reason at all!), this carefully crafted blend of herbs and essences assists in calming the system and strengthening the nerves.


‘I got this product (Settle Petal) from Eqitana 2014 on the recommendation of Angela. This product changed my horse completely. He went from being very touchy and scared of anyone touching him to a horse that loves people and always wants to be with you.

I would highly recommend this product to anyone that has a horse that just doesn’t settle into their environment and is very touchy. I love this product, thank you so much for giving me my horse back.’

Amy, Perth


Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 20 × 8 × 8 cm