T: (02) 6686 5934

M: 0458 865 934

Express Mail to:
PO Box 161, Ballina NSW 2478



The Horse Herbalist Tag

A podcast for horse lovers everywhere Come Along for the Ride with me as we explore the stories of horse people and the passion they have to live their lives doing extraordinary things with these amazing animals every day. Tracy presents an in depth interview with Angela Davison. - iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/come-along-for-the-ride/id1373115308 https://comealongfortheride.com.au/episodes/ on Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=182587&refid=stpr

We have been proudly sponsoring Shannan Goodwin, Dressage Rider for some years and watch with amazement as she soars into the dressage stratosphere with her horse Astro.   Here are Shannan's top 10 must haves that keep her and her horses on top of their game: 1. SUPA-LICIOUS Equine Treats: they are an all natural treat and my horses are crazy about them. 2. Emergency Kit from The Horse Herbalist: including The Horse Herbalist's "Settle Petal" to calm young horse (& rider!) nerves, and all our first aid needs. 3. My Amerigo saddle: from Edwards Saddleworld Toowoomba, this saddle has done wonders for my riding. 4. Morning and afternoon